2020 Local Masonic Election for 2021

 Hello everyone!

On 4 November 2020, I had the honor of being elected to serve the lodge as Senior Warden for the 2021 calendar year. I am going straight to this office from that Senior Deacon. I am a bit sad that I will not be able to experience that of Junior Warden, but I am excited to be able to serve my lodge regardless.

For those who aren't Masons and who may be wondering, here are some of the duties of the Senior Warden (in my lodge, at least):

  • Assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the lodge.
    • If, for some reason, the Worshipful Master is unable to attend the meeting, it is then the Senior Warden's responsibility to open it in his place.
  • Be Chairman of the Educational Committee.
    • "Educationals" in Masonry are presentations, speeches, demonstrations, etc. relating to whatever topic (typically related to Masonry, but not always).
    • Though the Chairman may give presentations himself, he is also able to delegate to other committee members or even have non-Mason visitors come to do an educational (non-Masons do educationals while the lodge meeting is at-recess).
  • Vote on legislation at the annual Grand Lodge Communication.
Today I also had the pleasure of attending a virtual York Rite meeting on the following Saturday. Those of us in attendance voted to keep our same offices since we were not able to enjoy them for most of the 2020 calendar year. I will therefore continue to be the Master of the 2nd Veil in my Royal Arch chapter, the Chaplain in my Cryptic council, and the Sword Bearer in my Knight Templar commandery.

I am very excited and I hope that this coming year will be more eventful than what 2020 allowed for.


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