My Masonic Experience During COVID-19 Thus Far

The last time that I attended a stated business meeting at my lodge, I believe, was the first Wednesday evening of February 2020. Since then, all Masonic buildings in Utah have been ordered closed by the Grand Master of Utah. As I recall, it has been tentatively planned that lodges will open back up in September 2020. I commend the Grand Master in his efforts and desires to keep us, our loved ones, and our communities safe; he made a very difficult decision at the beginning of his year in the office of Grand Master and it has been quite a sacrifice for all of us (especially including him) to have much of our Masonic activity suspended. That's not to say that we are just taking the year off, however; we are all just doing what we can however we safely can.

We have also been informed that those who do attend lodge once it reopens will be required to wear masks and gloves. Social distancing during the meeting will still occur, and it will be recommended for a long time that our elderly brethren not attend. After every time that the lodge is used, we will need to wipe it down with Clorox wipes (or wipes similar to Clorox).

It is certainly an interesting time to experience right now. Everywhere you turn, you see people wearing cloth or medical masks. Five years ago, I might have only associated such cloth masks with criminals and fictitious heroes/villains. Now people are wearing them in an attempt to preserve life.

For me, it is also another means to show the world the type of man that I am: an honest, neighborly, respectful man of faith with moral values. This is symbolized by the Masonic Square and Compasses with the name and charter number of my lodge. By the Square, we are taught "[to square] our actions by the square of Morality";* by the Compasses, we are taught "to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds toward all mankind, more especially a brother Mason."†

We are also charged to be neighborly not only to fellow Masons, but also to the world at large, as indicated in the optional closing charge‡ recited at the end of most meetings:

… Be diligent, prudent, temperate, discreet. Remember that around this altar you have promised to befriend and relieve every worthy brother who shall need your assistance. Remember that you have promised to remind him, in the most tender manner, of his failings and to aid in his reformation as well as to vindicate his character when wrongfully traduced. These generous principles are to extend further. Every human being has a claim upon your kind offices. …

This all stated, the point of wearing a mask is not to convey a message; it is to promote health and safety. To wear a mask today comes with the expectation of self-isolating and self-distancing as much as possible while going about our daily lives. I must say that I do miss lodge. A huge part of being a Freemason is the fraternity that one cultivates with fellow brethren. I am anxious to get to interact with my brethren again, even if it is on a limited basis according to current guidelines for preventing or slowing the spread of COVID-19.

My local lodge has been meeting virtually over Zoom almost regularly. It has been a useful tool for checking in on others, sharing experiences, and interacting; however, it just does not cut it when compared to meeting with them in-person. Our local Knights Templar Commandery, I believe, is looking into doing its first virtual meeting sometime soon.

Thankfully, churches have been allowed open in Utah; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has allowed minimal sacramental services for the past few months now; I find it very inspired that it had developed a scripture-study-at-home program for families a year prior to the pandemic outbreak.

I know that there is a lot of debate out there concerning the efficacy of wearing a mask; some of that debate gets quite heated. I have my own doubts myself; however, I find it much more worthwhile to keep the peace by wearing a mask the relatively few times that I'm out and about. It won't last forever. It is my humble invitation that we not divide ourselves; this is a time when we all need each other, and hostility will only further divide our magnificent country.

[*] "Working Tools - MM Degree," Monitor, Grand Lodge of Utah, 10th Edition (2016), p 33.
[†] "Furniture - EA Degree," Monitor, Grand Lodge of Utah, 10th Edition (2016), p 18.
[‡] "Charge at Closing," Monitor, Grand Lodge of Utah, 10th Edition (2016), p 4.


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