If I Could Change One Thing About the Church's Temple Endowment Ceremony
Before delving into this thought, I would like to make a clarifying distinction between the temple endowment and the temple endowment ceremony . The Church's temple endowment is conferred upon us via a series of covenants which we make with God therein; it also uses doctrine to illustrate the spiritual parent-child relationship that each of us has with God as our Heavenly Father. The ceremony is the vehicle whereby these covenants are made and the information/doctrine is delivered to us. The temple endowment itself is the same today as it was when Jesus Christ restored[*] it to us via Joseph Smith, Jr. The ceremony, however, has undergone various changes; in other words, we receive the same endowment in a different way today than the early Saints of this dispensation did. I love the Church's temple endowment and see no reason for it to change. With that clarification made, if I could change one thing about the its ceremony, then it would be to bring back the live theatrical...