
Showing posts from August, 2020

My Response to LDS Discussions Blog

LDS Discussions Blog wrote a response  to the Church's video on Joseph Smith and Freemasonry, which may be viewed here . In my opinion, the video itself was accurate and very well done, if not a bit watered-down (which can be expected, given that the target audience likely will not know much about either the Church or Freemasonry and given that it is a brief video). There are a few claims that LDS Discussions has made in this response that do not sit right with me, so I thought that I'd respond to them here. (Please keep in mind that quotes from LDS Discussions are indented once, while transcribed quotes from the Church's video are indented twice). Video "Was Joseph Smith a Mason? And if so, what connection does it have to temple worship practiced by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Well, there could be some confusion between the similarities with and the differences between Masonic ritual and the way Latter day Saints worship in the temple o...

Masonic Grand Lodge Communications Vs The Church's General Conferences

For those of you who have never heard of grand lodge communications, here is a brief summary of what they are and what they entail. A grand lodge communication is a meeting for all Freemasons within a grand lodge's jurisdiction. Depending on the jurisdiction, it can be divided into multiple consecutive days; in Utah, for example, it typically is held over the course of a Friday and Saturday towards the beginning of the year. During this meeting, the following can be expected: Introductions of grand lodge officers from other jurisdictions. New or modified legislation to be voted upon. Examples include: Changes in ritual. Recognition or suspension of recognition of another grand lodge. Changes in grand lodge by-laws, rules, and regulations. Changes in the by-laws, rules, and regulations for local lodges as required by the grand lodge. Educational lectures and presentations. Elections of grand lodge officers for the ensuing year. Grand Master Deputy Grand Master Gr...

My Masonic Experience During COVID-19 Thus Far

The last time that I attended a stated business meeting at my lodge, I believe, was the first Wednesday evening of February 2020. Since then, all Masonic buildings in Utah have been ordered closed by the Grand Master of Utah. As I recall, it has been tentatively  planned that lodges will open back up in September 2020. I commend the Grand Master in his efforts and desires to keep us, our loved ones, and our communities safe; he made a very difficult decision at the beginning of his year in the office of Grand Master and it has been quite a sacrifice for all of us (especially including him) to have much of our Masonic activity suspended. That's not to say that we are just taking the year off, however; we are all just doing what we can however we safely can. We have also been informed that those who do attend lodge once it reopens will be required to wear masks and gloves. Social distancing during the meeting will still occur, and it will be recommended for a long time that our elder...