My Response to David Bay at Cutting Edge Ministries
I was recently provided with a link to a page by Cutting Edge Ministries; that page is a compendium of arguments against Freemasonry. For now, I will respond to Freemasonry -- Two Organizations, One Visible, the Other Invisible and save the rest for another time. In this article, Cutting Edge Ministries Director David Bay claims that within Freemasonry is a hidden, Satanic entity that strives to produce the anti-Christ. His claim depends largely on various secondary and tertiary opinion-pieces (many out-of-context). The first work cited is Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction to the Study and Application of Rational Procedure by Manly P Hall, which was first published in 1929 . However, Manly P Hall did not become a Freemason until 1954. That makes this work not only just an opinion-piece on Freemasonry, but rather nothing more than gossip/rumor since he did not have any firsthand experience in the Fraternity. That renders this work entirely irrelevant c...